The Fisheries WA Aquaculture WA - Farming MarronPearling and Aquaculture

T はじめに
U 産卵〜幼体確保
V 養殖環境
W 養殖槽
X 餌

Y 成長及び健康
Z 収穫、出荷及びマーケティング
[ ウエスト・オーストラリア州における養殖の可能性
\ 参考文献
] その他の情報

  \ 参考文献

Jussila, J. & Evans, L.H. 1996. On the factors affecting marron, Cherax tenuimanus, grown in intensive culture. Freshwater Crayfish, 11: 428-440.

Lawrence, C. 1995. Marron Cherax tenuimanus. Aquaculture WA brochure No 2, Fisheries Department of Western Australia, 4 pp.

Lawrence, C.S. (1998) Marron. In Hyde, K.(Ed) The New Rural Industries - A Handbook for Farmers and Investors. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra, pp. 114-119.

Lawrence, C.S. & Morrissy, N.M. (in press) Genetic improvement of marron (Cherax tenuimanus Smith) and yabbies (Cherax spp.) in Western Australia. Aquaculture Research.

Moloney, J. 1996. Feeding in Freshwater Crayfish. Aquaculture Sourcebook 5, Turtle Press, Hobart, 24 pp.

Morrissy, N.M. 1976. Aquaculture of Marron, Cherax tenuimanus (Smith) Part 2: Breeding and Early Rearing. Fisheries Research Bulletin of Western Australia 17(2). (W.A. Dept. of Fisheriesand Wildlife), 1-32.

Morrissy, N.M. 1980. Production of marron in Western Australian farm dams. Fisheries Research Bulletin of Western Australia 24 (W.A. Dept of Fisheries and Wildlife), 1-80.

Morrissy, N.M. 1984. Assessment of artificial feeds for battery culture of a freshwater crayfish, Marron (Cherax tenuimanus) (Decapoda: Parastacidae). Report (W.A. Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife), 63: 1-24.

Morrissy, N.M., Caputi, N. & House, R.R. 1984. Tolerance of marron (Cherax tenuimanus) to hypoxia in relation to aquaculture. Aquaculture,41: 61-74.

Morrissy, N.M. 1990. Optimum and favourable temperatures for growth of Cherax tenuimanus (Smith) (Decapoda: Parastacidae). Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 41(6): 735-46.

Morrissy, N.M., Evans, L. & Huner, J.V. 1990. Australian freshwater crayfish: Aquaculturespecies. World Aquaculture, 21(2): 113-122.

Morrissy, N.M. 1992a. An Introduction to Marron and Freshwater Crayfish Farming in Western Australia. Fisheries Department of Western Australia, 36 pp. (Currently under revision by authors of this brochure.)

Morrissy, N.M. 1992b. Feed development for marron, Cherax tenuimanus, in Western Australia. In Allan, G.D. & Dall, W. (eds), Proceedings of the Aquaculture Nutrition Workshop, Salamander Bay, 15-17 April 1991. NSW Fisheries, Brackish Water Fish Culture Research Station, Salamander Bay, p. 72-76.

Morrissy, N.M., Bird, C. & Cassells, G. 1995a. Density-dependent growth of a freshwater crayfish, Cherax tenuimanus. Freshwater Crayfish, 10: 560-568.

Morrissy, N.M., Walker, P. & Moore, W. 1995b. Predictive equations for managing semi-intensive growout of a freshwater crayfish, Cherax tenuimanus, on a commercial farm. Journal of Aquaculture Research, 26(1): 71-80.

O'Sullivan, D., Camkin, J., Lai-Koon, A.C. &Joseph, R. 1994. Reducing Predation on Freshwater Crayfish Farms. Aquaculture Sourcebook 9, Turtle Press, Hobart, 47 pp.

Treadwell, R., McKelvie, L. & Maguire, G.B. 1991. Profitability of selected aquaculture species. ABARE Discussion paper 91.11, 85pp.

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